Century Mine closure

M. T. Lord, M. H. Adams and T. J. Shearman

Mining and processing at MMG’s Century Mine is scheduled to cease in late 2015. Detailed planning for transition operations into the active closure phase commenced in early 2011. This paper briefly summarises the seven aspects of closure that constitute closure planning at Century and provides some recommendations on practical measures that can be adopted to increase the likelihood of achieving a successful closure outcome. These observations may be of benefit to mining companies that wish to reduce their closure liability and increase the potential to achieve lease relinquishment.

Lord, M. T., Adams, M. H., & Shearman, T. J. (2015). Century Mine closure. In A. B. Fourie, M. Tibbett, L. Sawatsky, & D. van Zyl (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mine Closure. InfoMine/Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Vancouver (pp. 327-338).

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Conference paper
Century Mine closure